Category Archives: Art

Goddess Reading of the Day: Xochi Quetzal

Goddess Reading of the Day: Xochi Quetzal

coloringbook xochiquetzal

After a long weekend of dealing with sick kids and little sleep. I am not exactly hitting the ground running today. Hoping that I am not coming down with something as well, it makes sense for me to pull Xochi Quetzal for my Goddess Reading. If I am to listen to my body wisdom, I think I had better get as much rest as possible today, not worry about what I “should” be doing and take care of me instead. Here’s what She has to say about it:

Xochi Quetzal is an Aztec goddess. She is a goddess of passion, excess, sex, beauty, fertility and earthly pleasures. She is known to protect mothers, especially during pregnancy and childbirth. She’s also a creative goddess inspiring art and crafts of the day, such as weaving.

In our society, we are often told that our bodies are bad. We are told that to evolve and become enlightened we must escape our earthly desires and our physical selves and become more spirit like. We forget that the tools we have to do this reside in our physical. Xochi Quetzal asks you not to separate the two but combine them. Go into yourself, feel your body. Check in with each cell, each breath, each smell, each urge. Feel them. Honor them. Experience them. Use all your senses to explore your bloody, snotty, smelly self! Begin to accept these parts of yourself that have amazing purpose and creative potential. This is not the time to hide. There is no time for shame. Know you are beautiful, in your body. Know you are wise, in your body. Know you are powerful, in your body. There are many things we can “know”, in our heads. Learning to “know” them in your body is a whole other level of wisdom.

From The Goddess Coloring Book, available soon.

Goddess Reading of the Day: Oshun

Goddess Reading of the Day: Oshun

coloringbook oshun


As I continue to work on my Surcadian Oracle and my Goddess Coloring book, I’ve decided to share what the Goddesses have to say. Today Oshun came up. I think she is a good one to keep in mind as we start our week. This is an excerpt from the book, the illustration from the Coloring Book. Enjoy!

Oshun is a Yoruba Orisha or Goddess. She is associated with love, sex,wealth, beauty and marriage. There are stories in which she is proud like the peacock. There are stories where she is selfless and sacrifices her beauty and becomes the vulture. And there is  a lesser known story of Oshun as a mermaid.  Fresh water is her domain, the rivers in particular.She represents our emotions and the flow of life.

In the story of Oshun as the mermaid, Oshun lives in an underground cavern where the river runs beneath the earth. She has lost her head and she has only one opportunity to find it. That time happens just once a year when the moon is full and shines through the small hole in the roof of her cave for just a few moments.

When Oshun enters your life, joy, beauty and abundance follow. She tells you to be aware of these things that already exist. She tells you to keep your heart open and do not fall prey to jealousy or envy. You may be lacking joy and sitting in fear, worried about finances or relationships. To embody Oshun you must let go of your poverty consciousness, your fears of lack and enjoy the beauty in life. It is easy to get caught up in the everyday and miss these important and beautiful moments. By becoming more aware of them and honoring them, they will increase. More and more we begin to fill our lives with love and beauty, wealth and abundance. Oshun may be smaller or seemingly less powerful than some of the others in her Orisha family, but do not let that fool you.  Where she lacks in brute strength, she makes up in cunning and intelligence. She uses what she does have to her fullest advantage. And because she does not doubt or question, no one doubts or questions her.

Do not doubt that you have what it takes to succeed. Recognize your gifts and talents, your resources and use them to their fullest. Act quickly and decisively. Sometimes we get that one shot to make something happen, to “find your head”.  If Oshun has stepped in, you had better step up because your time is NOW.


Goddess Reading of the Day: Bridget

Goddess Reading of the Day: Bridget

coloringbook bridgette

In Celtic Mythology she was a daughter of the  Tuatha De Danann. She rules over creativity, blacksmithing, home and hearth, war, poetry, healing, livestock, springtime. She is a powerful figure and force, then and now. She is fiery and strong. And if she is showing up for you today, she is asking you to be the same.

In the Surcadian Oracle, Bridget is found in the East of the Northern Quadrant of our wheel. Her Keyword is “Inspiration”. She is in the east where the sun rises, the beginning and she is in the Northern Quadrant which means she is about logic and mental aspects. She is about Wisdom. She is the one behind your “Ah Ha!” moment.

Bridget, Brigid, or sometimes Brigit, is celebrated and honored during Candlemas or Imbolc in February of each year. She’s the Goddess that brings light after the dark winter. When she shows up, things begin to move, birth, flow, grow, begin.

When we feel lost in the dark of winter, literal or figurative, Bridget is the one to light the fire that warms and guides us. She is passion and creativity, headstrong and determined. She is asking us to use our passion. Find creative solutions. Remain determined. Never give up hope, never give up the fight.

There is a sexual energy related to Bridget that is in play. It’s the power of creation. You are being asked to reach down into the primal source of who you are and from that pull forth new ideas new energy and a passion that will propel you forward to the next stage in your life.

It is understandable to feel fear, to feel nervous about all of the unknown. When the blacksmith’s hammer hits, sparks fly. Bridget is hitting the hammer hard now. The heat is frightening, the noise almost painful, the sparks mesmerizing. When the metal cools we are left with a strong and powerful tool. You have been beaten and burned, forged in the flame and Bridget has asked much of you. But you are ready to emerge, stronger than you ever were and ready for the next adventure. This time you get to be the one to shape instead of being the one shaped. You have been created so that now you can go and create. You are being given the opportunity to do big and great things. You may not see it yet but you are emerging from the darkness of winter. Whatever time of year it may be on the calendar, for you it is Spring.

Illustration is from the upcoming Goddess Coloring Book featuring the goddesses from the Surcadian Oracle.

Absinthe Tea Fairies

Absinthe Tea Fairies

Some time ago, while connecting with some family history, I discovered that some ancestors of mine were the original creators of Absinthe. It was in a tiny shop in Switzerland that a mother and her two daughters developed the tisane, and tincture, originally for medicinal purposes. The women later sold the recipe to the man who eventually developed it into the liquor that we know today. I imagine these woman similar to myself. They would love to grow and harvest herbs, maybe during the full moon or at other times when the magic is high. They would dry, crush and mix the plants to create tasty and helpful concoctions for the people in their village. They must have been the witches of their time.

After much research, I decided to honor them and recreate the recipe as it was originally, a tisane or tea. I make a mean absinthe tea. The herbs I use are those featured above with their fairy guardians. The green and golden colors these herbs produce when steeped along with their spicy and floral smells leave no doubt that there is magic in it.

There are five fairies in all and now they are available as prints, posters, iphone cases, ipad cases, throw pillows and more. You can check them all out HERE.

The Surcadian Oracle Coloring Book

The Surcadian Oracle Coloring Book

The Chair Affair

The Chair Affair

A couple of days a week, I get to go to work teaching class to the disabled for Arts in Motion Studios. They do amazing work there bringing the arts in all forms to those who may not otherwise get it. Every year they have a fundraiser called The Chair Affair. Artist in the community will take an old chair and transform it to be auctioned off on Nov, 11th. This is my entry this year. It highlights the story of the Dragon and the Phoenix.

Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas

painted fingers

It has been so very long since I have felt the impetus to create. There have been far too many stressful situations occurring in my life for me to be able to feel that creative flow. I’ve been able to force myself to do what needs to be done, because, yanno, if I’m going to get paid for it, that can be motivating. But to be able to do MY thing has been a struggle. These past few days though I feel as if something has shifted. I have a long list of things to accomplish now. Some for me, some for others but my attitude surrounding them is different. And that is a good thing.

As a person who needs to create in order to stay somewhat sane, these past few years have been a real struggle. I do hope this change that seems to be happening is a long term one. It will be good to get my hands dirty again.

Mmmm ART!

Mmmm ART!

spamalot prop

I’ve been working on this scroll for the Musical “Spamalot”. It’s been a lot of fun and quite different from the style I’m used to doing. This has to be big, basic and bold. Changing up textures and styles has been good for my brain and it helps me to feel excited about getting back into my other, much neglected art. After this, I need to finish a commission piece I’ve been working on. It’s a painting of a Shoe Fairy! She’s so cute (If I do say so myself) And again, it’s something I wouldn’t have done on my own. It’s been refreshing for my brain to do something a bit different. I really should do this kind of thing more often.