Blank Canvas

Blank Canvas

painted fingers

It has been so very long since I have felt the impetus to create. There have been far too many stressful situations occurring in my life for me to be able to feel that creative flow. I’ve been able to force myself to do what needs to be done, because, yanno, if I’m going to get paid for it, that can be motivating. But to be able to do MY thing has been a struggle. These past few days though I feel as if something has shifted. I have a long list of things to accomplish now. Some for me, some for others but my attitude surrounding them is different. And that is a good thing.

As a person who needs to create in order to stay somewhat sane, these past few years have been a real struggle. I do hope this change that seems to be happening is a long term one. It will be good to get my hands dirty again.

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