This labor of love began 9 years ago. I began to feel the Goddess within myself an see Her in everyone around me. I wondered what it would be like, how we would change, if everyone could recognize this divinity within. I began to develop art depicting various goddesses as real women, so that real women might begin to relate. Maybe they could then see themselves as a goddess. I began, along with my husband to develop a divination system that explores not only answers to everyday questions, but it depicts a map of sorts for our lives. We began to work with it and understand what we refer to as “Recension” and the Goddesses role in that. I began to create a large painting for each one of these 26 Goddesses I have chosen. Those paintings are still in development.
The Coloring Book however, is available. This is an introduction to the Goddesses used in what will be the Surcadian Oracle and a way to meditate and gain messages from each of the goddesses in the system.
The Cards are in production and the accompanying book is being written. Here are some examples of the soon to be released deck.