These are a few of the pages from what will be my Goddess Coloring book. I’m working on finishing up some writing for it now. Just from a coloring book aspect, the review from my 3yr old daughter is good. You should have seen what she did to Pele. She is begging me to print out Bridget for her next. I have a feeling she’s going to cover her in lava too, although last time I checked, Ireland didn’t have any active volcanos.
Each goddess picture will include a write up that briefly explains who she is, then goes into more depth talking about what her energy represents and what that can mean in your everyday life. Each time I go into one of the Goddesses, I seem to learn something new. I hope others will find it fun and thought provoking, too.
Creating this coloring book brings me one step closer to the creation of my oracle deck and that makes me excited. I have to get back to painting my Goddesses again so I can finally realize this project. My painting of Bridget has been up on my wall, partially done, for months and months. I feel guilty every time I look at Her. I hope she doesn’t use that blacksmith’s hammer of hers and clunk me over the head with it. Survival keeps getting in the way of my art. It’s been very frustrating! I keep thinking that somehow I will organize my life so that what I really love and feel I am really meant to do will take priority. I guess it is something that I will need to reaffirm daily. I know I need to keep working toward that goal even if it doesn’t happen that particular day. Maybe I should go through my goddesses again and see which one might help me with that?