Talking to the Dead

Talking to the Dead

family ghostEarly on in my life I learned that I could hear dead people. I didn’t always see them so much, but I could hear. It upset me. They were never unkind or anything, I didn’t fear them, I feared the living. What would people think of me? Would they think I was crazy? Hearing voices? I did my best to keep it quiet.

Now that I am older and have experienced so much more, I am letting it be known that I do this. I have seen how it can help people and I’d like to be able to help. My fears have gone from caring about what people think of me to the fear of letting people down. I gave my first reading last night. One in which I simply sat down with the client, we poured a cup of tea and I listened. I was worried that I wouldn’t pick up on anyone or that no one would show up. I needn’t have worried. It was quite a busy night.

I can hear spirits, I don’t control them. I can’t force them to show up. And if they show up, I can’t force them to talk. I don’t decide who steps into the room and it might not have been who you had hoped for.  As I have more successes I’m feeling better about what I do. Life is a strange thing. So many twists and turns. But for me it’s really nice to know, really know, that once the body dies it isn’t the end. And although our loved ones seem to be gone after they die, you might be surprised to learn that they are much closer than you think.  (photo credit: here)

Goddess Reading of the Day: Xochi Quetzal

Goddess Reading of the Day: Xochi Quetzal

coloringbook xochiquetzal

After a long weekend of dealing with sick kids and little sleep. I am not exactly hitting the ground running today. Hoping that I am not coming down with something as well, it makes sense for me to pull Xochi Quetzal for my Goddess Reading. If I am to listen to my body wisdom, I think I had better get as much rest as possible today, not worry about what I “should” be doing and take care of me instead. Here’s what She has to say about it:

Xochi Quetzal is an Aztec goddess. She is a goddess of passion, excess, sex, beauty, fertility and earthly pleasures. She is known to protect mothers, especially during pregnancy and childbirth. She’s also a creative goddess inspiring art and crafts of the day, such as weaving.

In our society, we are often told that our bodies are bad. We are told that to evolve and become enlightened we must escape our earthly desires and our physical selves and become more spirit like. We forget that the tools we have to do this reside in our physical. Xochi Quetzal asks you not to separate the two but combine them. Go into yourself, feel your body. Check in with each cell, each breath, each smell, each urge. Feel them. Honor them. Experience them. Use all your senses to explore your bloody, snotty, smelly self! Begin to accept these parts of yourself that have amazing purpose and creative potential. This is not the time to hide. There is no time for shame. Know you are beautiful, in your body. Know you are wise, in your body. Know you are powerful, in your body. There are many things we can “know”, in our heads. Learning to “know” them in your body is a whole other level of wisdom.

From The Goddess Coloring Book, available soon.

Goddess Reading of the Day: Oshun

Goddess Reading of the Day: Oshun

coloringbook oshun


As I continue to work on my Surcadian Oracle and my Goddess Coloring book, I’ve decided to share what the Goddesses have to say. Today Oshun came up. I think she is a good one to keep in mind as we start our week. This is an excerpt from the book, the illustration from the Coloring Book. Enjoy!

Oshun is a Yoruba Orisha or Goddess. She is associated with love, sex,wealth, beauty and marriage. There are stories in which she is proud like the peacock. There are stories where she is selfless and sacrifices her beauty and becomes the vulture. And there is  a lesser known story of Oshun as a mermaid.  Fresh water is her domain, the rivers in particular.She represents our emotions and the flow of life.

In the story of Oshun as the mermaid, Oshun lives in an underground cavern where the river runs beneath the earth. She has lost her head and she has only one opportunity to find it. That time happens just once a year when the moon is full and shines through the small hole in the roof of her cave for just a few moments.

When Oshun enters your life, joy, beauty and abundance follow. She tells you to be aware of these things that already exist. She tells you to keep your heart open and do not fall prey to jealousy or envy. You may be lacking joy and sitting in fear, worried about finances or relationships. To embody Oshun you must let go of your poverty consciousness, your fears of lack and enjoy the beauty in life. It is easy to get caught up in the everyday and miss these important and beautiful moments. By becoming more aware of them and honoring them, they will increase. More and more we begin to fill our lives with love and beauty, wealth and abundance. Oshun may be smaller or seemingly less powerful than some of the others in her Orisha family, but do not let that fool you.  Where she lacks in brute strength, she makes up in cunning and intelligence. She uses what she does have to her fullest advantage. And because she does not doubt or question, no one doubts or questions her.

Do not doubt that you have what it takes to succeed. Recognize your gifts and talents, your resources and use them to their fullest. Act quickly and decisively. Sometimes we get that one shot to make something happen, to “find your head”.  If Oshun has stepped in, you had better step up because your time is NOW.


Goddess Reading of the Day: Bridget

Goddess Reading of the Day: Bridget

coloringbook bridgette

In Celtic Mythology she was a daughter of the  Tuatha De Danann. She rules over creativity, blacksmithing, home and hearth, war, poetry, healing, livestock, springtime. She is a powerful figure and force, then and now. She is fiery and strong. And if she is showing up for you today, she is asking you to be the same.

In the Surcadian Oracle, Bridget is found in the East of the Northern Quadrant of our wheel. Her Keyword is “Inspiration”. She is in the east where the sun rises, the beginning and she is in the Northern Quadrant which means she is about logic and mental aspects. She is about Wisdom. She is the one behind your “Ah Ha!” moment.

Bridget, Brigid, or sometimes Brigit, is celebrated and honored during Candlemas or Imbolc in February of each year. She’s the Goddess that brings light after the dark winter. When she shows up, things begin to move, birth, flow, grow, begin.

When we feel lost in the dark of winter, literal or figurative, Bridget is the one to light the fire that warms and guides us. She is passion and creativity, headstrong and determined. She is asking us to use our passion. Find creative solutions. Remain determined. Never give up hope, never give up the fight.

There is a sexual energy related to Bridget that is in play. It’s the power of creation. You are being asked to reach down into the primal source of who you are and from that pull forth new ideas new energy and a passion that will propel you forward to the next stage in your life.

It is understandable to feel fear, to feel nervous about all of the unknown. When the blacksmith’s hammer hits, sparks fly. Bridget is hitting the hammer hard now. The heat is frightening, the noise almost painful, the sparks mesmerizing. When the metal cools we are left with a strong and powerful tool. You have been beaten and burned, forged in the flame and Bridget has asked much of you. But you are ready to emerge, stronger than you ever were and ready for the next adventure. This time you get to be the one to shape instead of being the one shaped. You have been created so that now you can go and create. You are being given the opportunity to do big and great things. You may not see it yet but you are emerging from the darkness of winter. Whatever time of year it may be on the calendar, for you it is Spring.

Illustration is from the upcoming Goddess Coloring Book featuring the goddesses from the Surcadian Oracle.

Isidore Tarot Card for the Day: The Empress

Isidore Tarot Card for the Day: The Empress

Isisdore Tarot the Empress

First of all, I have to congratulate my dear friend Beth, for her Isidore Tarot deck will be featured in the Spring 2015 Issue of Somerset Digital! This deck definitely deserves a place in their Magazine. With that in mind I decided to pull a card to see what may be in store for today. I picked up my tin only to discover that one card was stuck to the bottom and had never made it in. I decided that must be my card! It was none other than the Empress hiding there.

Traditionally she represents, family, abundance, beauty, motherhood and fertility. For Beth, her fertile ideas and creations in regards to her art are growing. She creates beauty and produces many amazing works, not just this deck. Her babies, in this reading, would refer to her artistic creations. She should continue to nurture and “mother” those ideas and projects as they will produce joy and abundance in the near future.

But for me, I need to consider why this card was hiding? Why was it not only on the bottom but not even in the tin with the rest of the group? If my art is also “my baby” it seems to me that I am not being a very good mother. I am tending to it last of all. Sometimes it is so low on my list of “priorities” that it’s not even on the list. “My baby”, will no doubt shrivel and die if I don’t take better care of it.

This has clearly been the case this week. Monday I felt ill and did not do work at all, even though I have a deadline to meet. Yesterday I tried to do my design work in spite of feeling ill but then had constant interruptions and demands from others. Sometimes working at home is really tough. Today, my design is due. I’m maybe only half way done. And I’m not sure about what it is I’ve done so far. If I am to be very honest with myself, I must admit that this particular work is not a passion of mine. Technically, I can do it. Happily, I am getting paid for it. Creatively, my heart is not in it and that is why I allow distractions.

Clearly, the Empress is telling me I need to shift my focus.

In addition to my artsy stuffs, I have real flesh and blood children that are in need now too. I am feeling rather pulled. A great deal of attention should be paid to each of these things. If only it could be one at a time as opposed to ten. I haven’t figured out yet how to get it all done. There is always a great deal of nurturing to be done, the trick for me is to not forget to nurture myself too. One wouldn’t think it would be that difficult. Maybe it is a cultural expectation, maybe it is instinct, maybe it is my natural tendency but most likely all of the above. Whatever it is, it results in often putting me last, putting my art last. Maybe she was hiding under the tin because she was feeling buried by all the responsibilities.

The Empress today is a wake up call. Take care of yourself. See the beauty in life and the abundance that already exists around you. Focus on nurturing yourself and those things that feed you. Only by taking care of you will you be able to take care of others.

*If you would like a reading for yourself, please check out the various types I offer here.








Ancestral Tea

Ancestral Tea

Ancestor Altar

Yesterday’s Tea Salon was all about honoring our ancestors. The camaraderie and conversations that happen on these Sundays is always so good. I know our Ancestors would be pleased. Stories were told, family was remembered, tears were shed and hearts were filled. And so were our stomachs. The spread, as usual was beautiful. It made me happy to be able to talk about those ancestors who contributed to our stories and gave us life, even those whose lessons were painful. Some of those people we found we may not want to “honor”, but we were able to acknowledge them and their role in shaping who we are today. It was a good way to begin a season that is traditionally filled with family and expectations. It was a good way to remember, regroup and prepare for whatever may be coming up for us. And to know that we are connected to something bigger  and to each other.

Pele Speaks

Pele Speaks

Pele finished


Pele has been on the move in Hawaii. I’ve been watching it over the past week. I’ve watched newscasters report, incredulously, that people are leaving gifts to the volcano. Notes and other mementos are left behind for the lava flows to consume along with their homes, schools and villages. They say that “strangely”, the people do not seem to be upset. Instead they move their belongings and literally seem to “go with the flow”.  For those of us in other parts of the world, such a literal interpretation of that expression is hard for us to comprehend. For some, the metaphor is terribly difficult to live. Most of us tend to fight change. But for those who live on the Big Island, it is life. They are spiritually connected and understand that when Pele speaks, you listen.  And although I live in a place where volcanoes will never be an issue, I try to listen too. It’s time to move. It’s time to make some changes. It’s time to look at the landscape of our lives and decide what must go and what must grow. It’s especially meaningful to me today on an election day. I have been working to make changes on a personal level for some time, well, continuously really. I think that if we ever stop growing and changing, then we may as well stop living. But today I am looking at a bigger picture. A political and cultural picture. I wonder how Pele will speak to us today? I wonder if Her voice will be heard through the people who are voting? Our landscape needs to change. One way or another Pele ensures us it will. It would be nice though, if it didn’t take a volcano to erupt in order for us to make those changes. I think I will leave my offering to Pele today in the ballot box.

(the oil painting of Pele above is part of my Goddess Emergence Project and will be one of the cards in the Surcadian Oracle coming soon.)

Nighttime at the Gardens

Nighttime at the Gardens

Night at the Gardens Framed


Every year Fredick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park hosts an art competition. They ask for 2D work inspired by the Gardens. The piece above is my entry. I liked to think what might go on at the Gardens after it closed and the public was gone. They have a beautiful Children’s Garden there and I imagine the fairies must hang out there quite alot. My own children and those playful gardens inspired this. I do hope it is accepted. This year has been somewhat difficult and I haven’t been able to spend as much time on my art as I had hoped. But I did promise myself that I would work very hard to get out there more and try to get more of my work seen. So I am proud that I at least was able to complete a piece and get it entered. Now to wait and see what happens!



A Halloween Birthday

A Halloween Birthday

Kate reading tarotFor my birthday this year I played the role of a Fortune Teller at an amazing Halloween Party in Chicago. The home was a beautiful mansion that must have been built in the late 1800’s. Mostly original fixtures, gorgeous plaster work ceilings, marble and more. The party planner didn’t miss a trick in decorating the circus/carnival theme. I worked for over 4 hours offering readings using my Isis Oracle board and my friend Beth’s beautiful Isidore Tarot. People were crowded into my room and lined up out the door. It was great for my ego! Everyone seemed to love the readings. I wouldn’t mind doing something like that again!



Absinthe Tea Fairies

Absinthe Tea Fairies

Some time ago, while connecting with some family history, I discovered that some ancestors of mine were the original creators of Absinthe. It was in a tiny shop in Switzerland that a mother and her two daughters developed the tisane, and tincture, originally for medicinal purposes. The women later sold the recipe to the man who eventually developed it into the liquor that we know today. I imagine these woman similar to myself. They would love to grow and harvest herbs, maybe during the full moon or at other times when the magic is high. They would dry, crush and mix the plants to create tasty and helpful concoctions for the people in their village. They must have been the witches of their time.

After much research, I decided to honor them and recreate the recipe as it was originally, a tisane or tea. I make a mean absinthe tea. The herbs I use are those featured above with their fairy guardians. The green and golden colors these herbs produce when steeped along with their spicy and floral smells leave no doubt that there is magic in it.

There are five fairies in all and now they are available as prints, posters, iphone cases, ipad cases, throw pillows and more. You can check them all out HERE.