Talking to the Dead

Talking to the Dead

family ghostEarly on in my life I learned that I could hear dead people. I didn’t always see them so much, but I could hear. It upset me. They were never unkind or anything, I didn’t fear them, I feared the living. What would people think of me? Would they think I was crazy? Hearing voices? I did my best to keep it quiet.

Now that I am older and have experienced so much more, I am letting it be known that I do this. I have seen how it can help people and I’d like to be able to help. My fears have gone from caring about what people think of me to the fear of letting people down. I gave my first reading last night. One in which I simply sat down with the client, we poured a cup of tea and I listened. I was worried that I wouldn’t pick up on anyone or that no one would show up. I needn’t have worried. It was quite a busy night.

I can hear spirits, I don’t control them. I can’t force them to show up. And if they show up, I can’t force them to talk. I don’t decide who steps into the room and it might not have been who you had hoped for.  As I have more successes I’m feeling better about what I do. Life is a strange thing. So many twists and turns. But for me it’s really nice to know, really know, that once the body dies it isn’t the end. And although our loved ones seem to be gone after they die, you might be surprised to learn that they are much closer than you think.  (photo credit: here)

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