Isis Oracle Stone for the Day: Obsession

Isis Oracle Stone for the Day: Obsession

set isis oracle

Today I have gone through a range of emotions. When something didn’t go through the way I had hoped, I became angry. My anger relating to finances and the material world seemed to rage. And as we all know, anger is usually a symptom of fear. I spent sometime with my mother in law today who has lived a pretty dramatic life. Being with her put some things into perspective. But the work I need to do internally is constant. I’m not there yet. The first step to healing is admitting there is a problem. I’ve taken the first step, but now what? Feeling at a loss, I pulled the stone representing Obsession. It is the Egyptian hieroglyph for the God Set.

In the Isis Oracle, Set represents, dis-integration, jealously, anger, greed, addiction and materialism. He was the brother of Osiris and Isis. The God of the red desert, disorder and violence. Set was jealous of Isis and Osiris and hated them for all they had and what he lacked. This prompted him to kill Osiris in order to become king.

Today is about recognizing those aspects within ourselves. How are we handling a situation? Are we approaching life with fear? If so, we will be dealing with these strong emotions. Chaotic emotions lead to disorder and confusion, anger and sometimes violence.  Recognize the Devil within yourself. Do not judge it, but look for the source. Find the source and begin to work through the release. Begin to put things in perspective. You may find that your fears are baseless. You may be carrying a fear from long ago that no longer applies to your situation today. How might  you be acting in a way that is no longer relevant? In fact are you acting? or re-acting? There is a big difference. Remember what you do or say in this state of mind can never be taken back. Maybe it’s time to allow for the dis-integration. Allow it to fall apart a little so that you can rebuild using only those pieces that will move you forward, letting go of the pieces that hold you back. Set did not reign forever. Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris avenged his father’s death and took the throne. It will take sacrifice to gain the wisdom needed to reunite “Egypt” and rule peacefully over your land.  Time to move from the red desert. Step back and broaden your perspective. Be aware of those who love you, who are around you and who will help you. There is a big, beautiful world out there. Enough for you, enough for all. You do not lack. Do not be afraid.


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