Isidore Tarot Card of the Day: Ace of Swords

Isidore Tarot Card of the Day: Ace of Swords

ace of swords

May I say that I have a most talented partner in crime? Although, today he was more my partner in beauty and gave me a hair cut. Something about cutting out the dead and damaged hair while having a very honest and to the point conversation helped alot with the clearing of my thoughts and giving me a good start to my day. The metaphor of cutting away and clearing that which has outgrown it’s usefulness did not escape me. Now while he is on to playing barber to our youngest son I decided to pull a card from my Isidore Tarot Deck .

Today I pulled the Ace of Swords. How apropos! It’s all about clearing away the deception or confusion in our lives, which leads to power and accomplishment. I think that all of us understand the energetic of the Law of Attraction. When our heads and hearts are full of confusion and chaos that’s exactly what we attract into our lives. And although we understand this, it can still be difficult to get ourselves clear and focused when we are in the midst of it all. Talking things out with a friend or partner can help put things into perspective. Once a that is attained and you begin to clear the path of clutter it will allow the flow of good things to return to you again. Doing things on the outside that parallels your intent on the inside can help with this clearing. Clean your house, donate unused items to a thrift store, cut your hair! Know that once the illusions have been cleared you will have gained great wisdom and with that you can plan your way and move confidently toward the success and accomplishment you have been aiming for.

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