Reading for the Year. Welcome 2015!

Reading for the Year. Welcome 2015!


New Year Reading



It’s the New Year!  Maybe it’s only another day on the calendar.  Regardless, I think it’s a good way to mark a beginning. It is something that the collective all feels world wide. This morning I decided to do a reading for the collective, for the New Year. What kind of energy are we stepping into and what are some ways we might deal with it? Awareness is needed prior to any kind of change. I’m using my Isis Oracle and Speaking Stones for this divination. The stones felt very cold today in my hands. One of them even flew off the board, as you can see in the picture. The stones that are upside down, with no picture showing, represent the energies that are hidden, or some we are trying to deny. We’ll be looking at all of them.

For many of us this year will be about our identity. How are we beginning to develop into who we need to be? Into our fullest potential? We will be looking at patterns, our own and those of our family and ancestors.  A series of turning points in 2014 has brought us to many realizations. This year is about our destiny.

To get there requires preparedness. The movement that is coming could be literal, as in travel, or more metaphorical. For most it will be about internal movement. It’s time for acceptance and then adaptability. We will be moving ourselves from a place of chaos, confusion and illusion to one that feels more in real. Simple things done regularly that improve your life will aid in this. It’s a part of preparing for the next step. Get your things in order. That can be anything from redoing the linen closet to creating new habits. Find the broken things in your life and make repairs, that can be the leaking faucet, or the bad eating habits. Keep your goals reasonable to keep from becoming discouraged, Take little bites, but keep taking them. Small steps count as long as they are moving you in the right direction.

Watch out for the latest obsession, the latest trend, the latest distraction that keeps you from your reality. It’s easy to get caught up in excitement, especially if it allows you to avoid the thing you really should be knowing, learning, doing, saying in your life. The spin doctors all know this. It has become an easy way to shift public outcry or impressions. It’s even easier to do it to ourselves. Addictions can sometimes be hidden, tricky things. They are not always obvious like an addiction to drugs or alcohol.  An addiction to victim mentality, addiction to avoidance techniques, addiction to enabling,  these are debilitating and sometimes more difficult to see, especially in ourselves.

Finding our true selves, accepting our true selves can be sometime scary. It’s a new beginning for us.  We will make mistakes. We may appear foolish, we may seem naive. It’s okay. Feel that child-like wonder for life again. Look at your situation with brand new eyes. Remember how to play, then do it! Go back to the beginning. There is a new Cosmic Awareness that is taking place. Allow it to inspire you and guide you. This is your time of hope and renewal. However, you will only find it if you stop looking where society expects you to. The old paradigm of social order and cultural norms are changing.

There will still be sacrifice required for the majority of us financially in 2015.  This will be a year of changing our perspective. We may start off with a loss but as the year progresses there will be a gain. To get there, we need to learn how to let go. Let go of what we think we know and be open to new ways of sustainability. Moving from poverty consciousness to wealth consciousness requires a special kind of wisdom and perspective. Examine your beliefs about money. Take a look at your fears surrounding it. It may be time to make some changes. You may find yourself stopped up when it comes to your finances, or at a crossroads. Career changes are quite possible as you learn more about who you are, what you want and the way you wish to live your life.

Love and money, they go hand in hand. Do you love yourself only if you are successful? Do you define success by having money? Watch how you are feeding your belief systems, your addictions. Watch what you spend and where you spend it. That will reveal alot about what you value. Watch what aspect of your life you are feeding with your money. Take steps to increase your income. It may be by decreasing spending, it may be by learning how to save, You may find a way to make a little extra on the side. Feed yourself, feed your coffers. Even tiny bits count.  But make it fun. Make it a game. Yes, we need money to survive, but it is not the end all be all of life. The memories that we hold  are about relationships and special moments, not the number in our bank account.  Look for balance.

You will notice more and more that around the world people will be speaking up for injustice. There will be a marked increase in social justice activism. It’s going to become the new “cool thing to do or be”.  The younger people will be increasingly vocal and increasingly wise. They are experiencing things that the older generation could never have imagined. Our culture is changing to incorporate this new kind of awareness and thinking. It’s okay to be “weird”. In fact, it’s necessary. Spiritually and intuitively there will be a maternal shift. But it is not a return to matriarchy, it is something new and something more. This one is going to be interesting to watch. Its a new breed in ancient clothing. Watch for the Catholic Church to, not necessarily lead the way, but express it in a public forum. The religions of the world are reacting to the shifts of our people world wide. The pieces of many religions are starting to come together now. Healing will begin to take place on a global scale.

2015 will be a year of very interesting change. There is a re-birth happening in individuals and on a global level. There are some things that can no longer sustain, you will see them start to die away. Not only will you see this in your personal strategies for survival or denial that will no longer work, but you will begin to see it on a political, cultural and world wide scale. This is a year for creation, self -renewal and purification. The work starts with you.

Finally, the stone that flew off the board is the one that represents illusion. Illusion will not be able to live in this new world that we are entering. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. But when the curtain falls away and we are left with the painful reality of truth, we will begin to make changes. We will no longer be fooled by the tricks of media, politicians and,  sometimes, even those closest to us. We will find we don’t have time for fears or insecurities. We don’t have time for false promises, including those we make to ourselves. This is a year for getting real. Hello 2015, lets do this!

For more info on the Isis Oracle and Speaking Stones, please visit HERE.

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