Life got a bit crazy for a bit. Well, you know, it’s life so I guess it always a wee bit crazy! But that’s my excuse for not pulling a card for the day for awhile. Today I thought it would be a good idea to get back into the swing of things. I drew the Magician.
Today I had a meeting with a program director to discuss teaching. (I love teaching art to kids, well anyone!) When I walked in she was discussing with a coworker great relief about something she had been working on for a long time that had finally come to a good conclusion. Because there are some things I too have been working on and am anxious for them to come to a good conclusion, I took that to be a good sign. When I returned home to check my email, I had a note from someone letting me know a conflict they had been very concerned about had just been resolved. There was another message from a friend who had been trying forever to sell her condo, it just sold.
None of these things have happened to me, but they are happening around me. Time to tap in. The Magician shows us that we can use our creativity and intuition to make things happen in our life. We have mastery over the elements and we have the ability to manifest. It’s all about the magic!
My understanding of magic may be a bit different than other’s. For instance, I’m not so sure we actually have control over anything but ourselves, our perceptions and our attitudes. I don’t believe control or “mastery over” something to be the point. Magic is about observing the world around you, understanding natural and cosmological laws, understanding synchronicities and being able to adjust yourself accordingly to be able to take advantage of that. Magicians who are very perceptive, adaptable and quick thinking know how to stay at the front end of the energy. By the time everyone else catches up, the magician has already done her thing and to everyone else it appears that she has conjured a miracle.
Quantum physics teaches us that our thoughts can change direction of energies. On a quantum level, that is true. But why try to fight a large existing trend when you can use what is already there? So when I see energies, like described above happening in my life, I think about riding their current and putting my personal request into it, using the energy that is already there, but tweaking it to my advantage with my thoughts, intents, attitude and sometimes “layering” of parallel representations of that energy, as in spell work, altar building, offerings, etc. All things intended to direct the energy that already exists to specifically benefit me.
The Magician Card showing up today tells me it’s the right time to do just that. So take a minute today to assess and clarify what it is you need, tap into the energy that is moving around you and begin to shape it. Use the resources around you, use your creativity to recognize those resources. They are there and they are waiting. Now’s the time to PLAY.
For more info about the beautiful Isidore Tarot go HERE!
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