Isidore Tarot Card of the Day: 8 of Coins, Reversed

Isidore Tarot Card of the Day: 8 of Coins, Reversed

eight of coinsI’m suffering from a creative block. Perhaps “block” is not quite the right word. I have many creative thoughts and ideas, too many. I feel the pressure of how do I do this? How do I finish them all? How do I finish what I’ve already started? Where do I start? are they good enough? So not “blocked”, but the result is the same, I am overwhelmed and it is stopping the flow.

I decided to pull a card. I recognize it right away. The 8 of Coins, but in the reverse position. Well duh.

Sometimes this card denotes a lack of ambition. But that isn’t the case today. Today it’s about too much ambition, too much perfectionism, too much worry. You may find those creative juices just aren’t flowing today due to ill health, stress or unbalanced emotions. Creation can’t be forced, just like babies who are born when they are good and ready; not when you are. The creative force has a mind of it’s own and you need to be in a position that is ready to accept it in order for it to flow through you. If you are not healthy or under undue stress, it will most likely wait until another day before it will come to you. Accept that for today you will need to chose another avenue of expression. Or take that much needed nap and try again later. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself some time to breath. If you clog yourself with judgement and expectations you won’t accomplish anything but frustration. Accept where you are in this exact moment. Accept that things happen in their own time and in their own way. Step away from the project, take a walk, breathe fresh air, finish your laundry. Tomorrow is another day.

More about the Isidore Tarot Deck Here



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