Goddess Reading of the Day: Yum Chenmo

Goddess Reading of the Day: Yum Chenmo

YumChenmo Sketch

I pulled one of my soon to be Goddess Cards from my Surcadian Oracle and I have to say, that for some reason I was surprised to get Yum Chenmo. I guess I wasn’t feeling particularly transcendental. And perhaps that’s the point. After letting Her “sink in”, I realize I do need to relax, let things go. You know what they say about doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results! I think I will practice releasing today and working toward getting my head into a fresh space. This is what She has to say:

Yum Chenmo is a Tibetan deity. She is  often referred to as “The Great Mother” or “The Mother of all Buddhas” or Prajnaparamita. She is about emptiness-teaching and transcendental wisdom. In the Surcadian Oracle, Yum Chenmo sits in the Northern position of the Eastern Wheel. She combines the fire of new beginnings with wisdom and gnosis.

Recognizing that we are but thought-forms, our reality is what we create, we can eliminate suffering, or the attachment to what we believe to be true. It dissipates in the knowledge that all is illusion. All is empty. All is nothing. We shape, we create, we desire, we fear, we suffer. And when we let go, we know.

Yum Chenmo is the great mother who strokes your hair and soothes your soul. She breathes into you peace that comes with the wisdom. When she appears, it is time to let go. Let go of all you think you know. Let go of your attachments.  With a clear head and a clear heart we learn how to practice mindfulness, to align with natural and cosmological laws, to bring joy into our lives. With the emptying comes fulfillment.

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